University's Human Resources


The Human Resources Department at the University and its branches support the goals and challenges of the University by promoting a work environment characterized by accuracy, fair treatment of employees, and open communication with officials in accordance with the principles of trust and mutual respect.
It focuses in human resource management on providing services in a timely manner to employees and adopting effective employment programs by integrating workers into the work environment and providing rewards and encouragement to the distinguished.

The vision of Human Resources Management at the university is consistent with the university’s developed vision, which is to enable University leaders to continuously cooperate to form a comprehensive University culture that achieves excellence and innovation for the purpose of increasing administrative performance to the maximum extent possible by supporting talents, participation and improving the work experiences of employees.
It also aims to support the recruitment of qualified and distinguished staff at the national and international level, where the Department focuses mainly on the organization of workers, which is an essential process to ensure the provision of high-quality education to our students and maintain the continuous development of our staff and faculty members through effective training and development programs and to ensure the delivery of effective performance management programs and the provision of improvements Living and benefits for our staff and promoting a positive work environment to involve staff members in the University's success.

Department objectives

The objectives of human Resource Department include:
1- Developing the University in accordance with the institutional high-performance approach by providing it with enthusiastic and dedicated employees.
2 - Employing, developing, supporting and retaining the best expertise.
3- Recognizing the value of the diverse, safe and free workforce in the University Headquarter and its branches.
4- Ensure a positive work environment through continuous communication with all employees.
5- Enhancing the value of talent to develop the career cadre.
6- Ensure that performance evaluations and the training program at the University are conducted efficiently and effectively.
7 _ Receive advice to work with our staff to build the university as a practical, advanced institution.